This repository has a two fold purpose. One, to keep a record of the watercolor, water soluble oil and colored pencil pieces I paint and their evolution. Secondly, to maintain a record of my past, and possibly future, writings.

**All artwork and writings are copyright of author and may not be used without permission.**

10 September 2011

In the process of redesigning my humble blogs.

They are in dire need of updating.


roughseasinthemed said...

We all do that at some point. Although I have to say I am comfortable with mine at the moment and more interested in keeping up to them. Redesigns can wait!!

roughseasinthemed said...

I need to amend that last comment seeing as I have started a new wordpress blog.

now, why when I try to comment do I write it in one box, only for the screen to change and I have to do it all over again? Strange.